Summer's Goldens Foster Family Program


We love bringing joy through golden retrievers!
Our puppies are produced with integrity, raised with compassion, and dedicated with love. We are one of the few kennels that offers local families the opportunity to partner with us in sharing the joy of raising goldens.
Families may be interested in fostering a golden for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you would like a playmate for your current dog, but you do not want the additional expense of purchasing a second dog. Or you might have always dreamed of owning a purebred, high-quality golden retriever, and now you have an excellent opportunity. Other families simply enjoy sharing their home and time raising a Summer’s Goldens puppy. Goldens are known for their loving personalities and desire nothing more than to please you, their adopted owners. They are also superb dogs for families with children.
When your little lady is mature, she will visit our kennel for playdates during courtship with her suitor. If she becomes a mother, she will come to our kennel to birth and raise her new litter. You are most welcome to visit and watch her puppies grow up. Few opportunities in life can lift your spirits more than holding a group of loving, lively puppies, especially when you know their mother so well. Motherhood is a precious experience for both humans and dogs, and many families find a lot of joy in witnessing their dog become a competent, caring mother for her puppies.
You will become the permanent owner of your beautiful Summer’s Goldens retriever when she retires from motherhood.